Monday, February 2, 2009

Music and Procrastination

The weather was idea of a PERFECT day is about 65-70 degrees, sunny, with a light breeze. Today was about 60 and the sun was only out for a little bit but considering the ridiculously cold temperatures of the past month it was quite a breath of fresh air.

I'm particularly stressed out because I have a paper due tomorrow in public relations. Not only is it a paper, it's a full-on presentation. It's almost 6 and I haven't started. I have photoshop from 6:30-7:45 and a meeting at 9. I have done this to myself for as long as I can remember. It's not that I don't know what to write, or how to write, I just don't feel like it. I have no motivation I guess. What causes us to procrastinate?

I think it may be the fact that there are just so many more fun things I could be doing like blogging haha..I have seriously done everything today BUT make an attempt to start my paper. I watched Tyra after my 9am class. I curled my hair. I met some friends for lunch in Thomson. We stayed there for an hour. Why anyone would want to stay there for that long is beyond me. I went to Dinkins to see if my accounting book came yet. It hasn't and I'm livid. Then, I cleaned my room. I even surprised myself with that one. I painted my nails and read Dlisted, Crunk and Disorderly, DearSugar and some other random blogs, sent some emails. Now I'm here. Clearly, I don't want to write this paper.

But really, why do I do this to myself? I certainly don't enjoy the stress or the loss of sleep.

On a different note: One of my favorite things to do, besides stressing myself out, is rediscovering old music in my iTunes library. I have around 3,500 or so songs on my iPod so it's easy to listen to the same ones over and over and forget about the ones that I reeeallly love. Right now I'm listening to Alicia Keys' Songs in A Minor. It's my sister's cd that I ripped a while ago but (shamefully) never actually listened to in depth. I just remember hearing her playing it around the house and loving every note that came from those speakers.

For me, listening to certain songs can strike up certain memories. I just shuffled and Plain White T's "Hey There Delilah" came on and I got a lump in my throat. It reminds me so much of senior year in high school when my friends and I played it on repeat in the Creative Writing room. Our classmates hated us for it but we couldn't have cared less.

A lot of people say that when you go to college you meet lifelong friends. While this is true I believe that the friends I've met that are sure to stay are the ones I met in high school. Occasionally, we lose touch but the minute I see them it's like we had never left each other.

OH YEAH! Since I'm on the subject of music and sounds I figure it's the perfect opportunity for some shameless self promotion! Don't act like you wouldn't do it. My book is a collection of poetry about love, death, friendship, and life in general. It's called "The Sound of a Woman" and if you're feeling EXTRA good you can buy it on Amazon. I'll be posting selections on here from time to time. Stay tuned :]