Sunday, April 26, 2009

Thinking Happy Thoughts

The end of the school year is fast approaching, less than a week away for many people. Yay! But at the same time, life seems to always turn upside down around this time. I found out that my best friend is getting deployed and may have possibly lost another. Life happens. I've dealt with bigger things. But in the midst of it all, I have to recognize the good things in my life. All is not lost. When things go wrong we often forget what's right. So I never forget, this is my list of things that make me happy.

1. The look on my 7 year old niece's face when I come home from college (especially when I told her we were going to see the Hannah Montana movie).

2. Talking about my sister's wedding :)

3. Watching HGTV for hours with my mom

4. Seeing old friends from high school, reminiscing and remembering why you loved them so much in the first place.

5. Getting good grades after trying my hardest

6. Home-cooked food

7. Exchanging found videos from Youtube

8. Dinkins Student Union: some of the greatest people I have ever met. I am so honored to be president of such an outstanding organization.

9. Making up words, phrases, and voices that only my friends recognize.

10. When I'm having a bad day and I hear my favorite song.

11. Watching Happy Feet. How could that movie NOT make anyone happy?

12. Every professor/teacher/mentor I've ever had. Each one taught me something about myself whether or not they were my favorite at the time.

13. Good hair days.

14. Finding the perfect shade of nail polish.

15. Spring time (minus the pollen) of course.

16. Ephiphanies

17. Puppies and babies.

18. Chick-fil-a chicken nuggets and waffle fries

19. Remembering funny stories about my dad with my family or talking about him to friends; bittersweet moments but it helps me not forget how great he was.

And finally...
20. Love.

Monday, April 6, 2009


This little boy just made my day.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Oh bother..

This past week has been extremely bothersome. This part of the school year has always been particularly stressful. I can see the end nearing and am itching to get there. The last two months have flown by at a ridiculous speed but so much had to happen in the short amount of time and it's far from over. Basically, I've got spring fever and I've got it bad.

It rained for the past week and when I saw the sun come out yesterday evening I didn't know what to do with myself. Today is beautifully sunny, cool, and extremely windy. I just walked across the street to Walgreens in half of the time it usually takes me because the wind literally blew me there.

I said all of that crap to get to my real point. It's so pretty outside that I just want to sit and do nothing but I have a 5 page paper due on Tuesday that I just began. I'm doing laundry, something I despise. The cafe has been serving bbq sandwiches and baked beans for the past 3 days. One of my ankles is swollen and I don't know why. My room is burning hot. Most importantly though, I just spend $70 on a prescription. What the hell?

Just had to vent. Thanks for listening. This week will be marvelous, however. I know it.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Alright, so it's been a long long time since I've done one of these. Slack, I know. But I thought I'd take this opportunity to start a new um..label? for my blog called OBSESSIONS. This is where I'll share some things that I'm kind of obsessed with.

Ok, so one of my favorite blogs to read is DListed. If my mom read some of the things this guy Michael K. posted she'd probably kill me but he's hilariously raunchy and it's a fun read. One day he posted a blog about this drink called a McNuggettini or something. Whatever. The point is that it was featured on another blog called "This is Why You're Fat." It has a gazillion pictures of really gross food concoctions that people actually eat.

The reason I like reading the blog is not only because I like looking at food, it's the fact that I've eaten several items I've seen on the site like the deep-fried twinkies. YUM! Go check it out. You may be fat too! 

Monday, February 2, 2009

Music and Procrastination

The weather was idea of a PERFECT day is about 65-70 degrees, sunny, with a light breeze. Today was about 60 and the sun was only out for a little bit but considering the ridiculously cold temperatures of the past month it was quite a breath of fresh air.

I'm particularly stressed out because I have a paper due tomorrow in public relations. Not only is it a paper, it's a full-on presentation. It's almost 6 and I haven't started. I have photoshop from 6:30-7:45 and a meeting at 9. I have done this to myself for as long as I can remember. It's not that I don't know what to write, or how to write, I just don't feel like it. I have no motivation I guess. What causes us to procrastinate?

I think it may be the fact that there are just so many more fun things I could be doing like blogging haha..I have seriously done everything today BUT make an attempt to start my paper. I watched Tyra after my 9am class. I curled my hair. I met some friends for lunch in Thomson. We stayed there for an hour. Why anyone would want to stay there for that long is beyond me. I went to Dinkins to see if my accounting book came yet. It hasn't and I'm livid. Then, I cleaned my room. I even surprised myself with that one. I painted my nails and read Dlisted, Crunk and Disorderly, DearSugar and some other random blogs, sent some emails. Now I'm here. Clearly, I don't want to write this paper.

But really, why do I do this to myself? I certainly don't enjoy the stress or the loss of sleep.

On a different note: One of my favorite things to do, besides stressing myself out, is rediscovering old music in my iTunes library. I have around 3,500 or so songs on my iPod so it's easy to listen to the same ones over and over and forget about the ones that I reeeallly love. Right now I'm listening to Alicia Keys' Songs in A Minor. It's my sister's cd that I ripped a while ago but (shamefully) never actually listened to in depth. I just remember hearing her playing it around the house and loving every note that came from those speakers.

For me, listening to certain songs can strike up certain memories. I just shuffled and Plain White T's "Hey There Delilah" came on and I got a lump in my throat. It reminds me so much of senior year in high school when my friends and I played it on repeat in the Creative Writing room. Our classmates hated us for it but we couldn't have cared less.

A lot of people say that when you go to college you meet lifelong friends. While this is true I believe that the friends I've met that are sure to stay are the ones I met in high school. Occasionally, we lose touch but the minute I see them it's like we had never left each other.

OH YEAH! Since I'm on the subject of music and sounds I figure it's the perfect opportunity for some shameless self promotion! Don't act like you wouldn't do it. My book is a collection of poetry about love, death, friendship, and life in general. It's called "The Sound of a Woman" and if you're feeling EXTRA good you can buy it on Amazon. I'll be posting selections on here from time to time. Stay tuned :]

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Karma Karma Chameleon

Soo, this whole blogging thing is new to me..obviously.

I read several blogs daily, mostly celeb gossip blogs. But hey, someone's gotta read them right? Plus, if I didn't read them I would never escape the schoolwork that makes up my life right now. This semester is going to be HELL. I know it.

I decided to call my blog Unclassified because of some really cool reason..I'm lying. I was going to call it Karma Chameleon because my middle name is Camille and clever people that I grew up with thought it would be cool to call me Chameleon. So that popped into my head sometime last week. I actually didn't even know what it meant until I went to Wikipedia and read about it. If you don't feel like clicking the link here's what Boy George said it means:
"The song is about the terrible fear of alienation that people have, the fear of standing up for one thing. It's about trying to suck up to everybody. Basically, if you aren't true, if you don't act like you feel, then you get Karma-justice, that's nature's way of paying you back."
So basically, I try my best to stand up for what I believe in. I suck up to no one. I'm true to myself and act like I feel. In that case, I decided against that name. But I digress.

I'm calling this "Unclassified" because I went on itunes and tried to find a song or album title that struck me hoping to remember some lyric etc to make a slammin (yes, slammin) blog name. I'm not feeling very inspired today. So, I got down to artist Asia (an amazing poet that you should def check out). His album is called Project Breathe...but the genre was Unclassifiable. The end.