Sunday, April 26, 2009

Thinking Happy Thoughts

The end of the school year is fast approaching, less than a week away for many people. Yay! But at the same time, life seems to always turn upside down around this time. I found out that my best friend is getting deployed and may have possibly lost another. Life happens. I've dealt with bigger things. But in the midst of it all, I have to recognize the good things in my life. All is not lost. When things go wrong we often forget what's right. So I never forget, this is my list of things that make me happy.

1. The look on my 7 year old niece's face when I come home from college (especially when I told her we were going to see the Hannah Montana movie).

2. Talking about my sister's wedding :)

3. Watching HGTV for hours with my mom

4. Seeing old friends from high school, reminiscing and remembering why you loved them so much in the first place.

5. Getting good grades after trying my hardest

6. Home-cooked food

7. Exchanging found videos from Youtube

8. Dinkins Student Union: some of the greatest people I have ever met. I am so honored to be president of such an outstanding organization.

9. Making up words, phrases, and voices that only my friends recognize.

10. When I'm having a bad day and I hear my favorite song.

11. Watching Happy Feet. How could that movie NOT make anyone happy?

12. Every professor/teacher/mentor I've ever had. Each one taught me something about myself whether or not they were my favorite at the time.

13. Good hair days.

14. Finding the perfect shade of nail polish.

15. Spring time (minus the pollen) of course.

16. Ephiphanies

17. Puppies and babies.

18. Chick-fil-a chicken nuggets and waffle fries

19. Remembering funny stories about my dad with my family or talking about him to friends; bittersweet moments but it helps me not forget how great he was.

And finally...
20. Love.

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