Thursday, March 5, 2009


Alright, so it's been a long long time since I've done one of these. Slack, I know. But I thought I'd take this opportunity to start a new um..label? for my blog called OBSESSIONS. This is where I'll share some things that I'm kind of obsessed with.

Ok, so one of my favorite blogs to read is DListed. If my mom read some of the things this guy Michael K. posted she'd probably kill me but he's hilariously raunchy and it's a fun read. One day he posted a blog about this drink called a McNuggettini or something. Whatever. The point is that it was featured on another blog called "This is Why You're Fat." It has a gazillion pictures of really gross food concoctions that people actually eat.

The reason I like reading the blog is not only because I like looking at food, it's the fact that I've eaten several items I've seen on the site like the deep-fried twinkies. YUM! Go check it out. You may be fat too! 


  1. ashley, you crack me up.
    and whether you like it or not, we're making mcnuggettini's. and you will enjoy them. :)

    i'm going to look at that site riiiight now.

  2. omg that sight makes me a little sad to be an american haha....but the deep fried tootsie rolls and moonpies...that doesn't sound that bad really. :)
